The appearance of Top 5 English championships 2019

Difference from the past years is the final challenge’s topic was only annouced when the candidates joined the Meetup House. At the final round, the candidates from grade 4 and grade 5 did a presentation while debate challenege was done by grade 6,7, and 8.

Topic of grade 4’s presentation was:” Create a mobile application to help Ho Chi Minh Citizens avoid the city’s urban transportation problems. This is an opportunity for young contestants to stimulate their creativity and porblem solving skills skills with burning situation of Ho Chi Minh City but also very close to daily life, which is traffic jam, flooded and traffic accident…

The 5th graders joined to protect the environment with topic:“A plan for recycling batteries”.

For grade 4th and grade 5th candidates, the criteria for Board of Judges to evaluate based on:
Content structure, convincing evidence, logical thinking, creativity, ability to transmit information and presentation skill and body language.

The 6th graders are given a difficult topic to debate and considered a burning and controversial topic: “Money can buy happiness”. From the perspective of the young generation, the views on money and happiness can surprise many adults.

The 7th graders had a debate’s topic: “We are more alike than we are different”. While the 8th grade students had to face the stories about security and privacy.

For the 6th, 7th and 8th graders, each debate included two candidates of each region and divided into two support points: Affirmative and Negative. The debate put candidates into a challenging sitation which they needed to thinking on their foot,control the emotion, deep understanding about  the problem also smartly use of time to present their best arguments.

With the debates, the board of judges had evaluated the results based on: Arguments, evidence, logic, critical skills…

The national champions of eachh grades are as following: Champion of the 4th grade: Duong Trong Viet – Nghin Do Primary School, Hanoi; Champion of grade 5: Ho Viet Minh – Vietnam Australia International School, Ho Chi Minh City; Champion of grade 6: Nguyen Vy Phong – Ngoi Sao secondary school, Hanoi; Champion of the 7th grade: Doan Tran Bao Giang – Wellspring, Ho Chi Minh City inter-bilingual school; Champion of 8th grade: Nguyen Hai Duong – Le Loi Secondary School, Hanoi.

English Champion is a nationally-scale academiccompetition for students from grade 4th to 8th held annually by IvyPrep Education and iSMART Education.